Parasites diversity of edible African giant snails (Achatina fulica and Archachatina marginata) in the Lekie, Wouri and Santchou localities of Cameroon during the dry season
Parasites, Infection rate, Achatina fulica, Archachatina marginata, CameroonAbstract
A study was conducted in Cameroon in the dry season to identify the parasites likely to infect edible African giant snails. A total of 120 snails (Achatina fulica and Archachatina marginata) were sampled in the Littoral, Center and West regions of Cameroon. After macroscopic observation of the snails, slime, haemolymph and the internal organs (digestive gland, digestive tract and reproductive system) were isolated and examined using the flotation technique and direct smear (simple and stained). The results revealed that, the most common parasites were cyst of Balantidium coli (42.5%), larva of Enterobius vermicularis (30.8%), cyst of Isospora sp (25.8%), Trichodina achatinae (24.2%), mesocercariae of Alaria sp (21.7%), larva of Angiostrongylus cantonensis (18.3%), cysts of Cryptosporidium sp (15.8%) and Enteromonas sp (10.0%). The least represented were unidentified mite (6.7%), Riccardoella limacum (6.7%), larva of Strongyloides stercoralis (6.7%), eggs of Dicrocoelium dendriticum (3.3%), Fasciola sp eggs (2.5%), Hyostrongylus stercoralis egg (2.5%), larva of Protostrongylus sp (2.5%) and Schistosoma mansoni eggs (0.8%). A. fulica was more infected (80.0%) than A. marginata (70.0%) and snails collected in the Lekie locality were more infected (92.5%) followed by snails from the Wouri locality (82.5%) and finally snails from the Santchou locality (50.0%). Protozoans had the highest infection rate followed by nematodes while the unidentified mite was less prevalent. The host-parasite relationship between the parasites and the snails is multi-factorial because the snail stands either as final, intermediate or paratenic host for the identified parasites. The pathogenic effect of these parasites on snails should be investigated.
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