Editorial Team

  • Prof. Alfredo Jorge Costa Teixeira, Coordinator Professor with Aggregation; Aggregation in Sheep and Goat Production in 1997 by the Universidade Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real - Portugal, Portugal
  • Prof. Osama Ibrahim Azawi, Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul (h-index in Google scholar: 33), Iraq
  • Prof. Narayana Swamy, Department of Veterinary Physiology Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore – 560 024
  • Dr. Glen Stephen Patten, CSIRO Animal Food and Health Sciences Kintore Avenue PO Box 10041 Adelaide BC 5000 Australia, Australia


  • Prof. Osama Ibrahim Azawi, Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul (h-index in Google scholar: 33), Iraq
  • Nasroallah Moradi Kor, Researcher of Iranian Society of physiology and pharmacology, Tehran, Iran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Prof. Narayana Swamy, Department of Veterinary Physiology Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore – 560 024
  • Prof never assan, Zimbabwe open University, Faculty of science and Technology, Department of Agriculture Management, Zimbabwe
  • Dr. Gloria Yona, Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute (TAFIRI), Tanzania, United Republic of