Predictive model to monitor the transport of E. coli in homogeneous aquifers in port harcourt Niger delta of Nigeria
Predictive model, Transport and homogeneous aquifersAbstract
Predictive model to monitor the transportation of E. coli inhomogenous aquifer has been evaluated. The model where generated from amathematical expression derived from E. coli experiment. Least square methodwhere apply to resolve the equations, theoretical value where generated fromthe mathematical equation, this values were compared with other experimentalvalues from o different locations, both parameters expressed a valuable fit.The expression from both parameters shows that the concentration develop arapid increase at three meters, were we have lateritic soil, while the lowestconcentration where deposited at thirty meters where we have homogenous fineand coarse sand, this expression displayed a physical process of concentrationinfluenced by variation of distance, which is from high to low concentration.This study is imperative because the model has absolutely defined the behaviorof E. coli with respect to change in concentration and depths, formationcharacteristic like deltaic nature of the soil including high rate of porosityhas been confirmed to influence the E. coli transport to ground water aquifers.The study expressed high concentration of E. coli at thirty meters and itdeposited 0.51mg/l, comparing to world health organization of zero deposit ofE. coli concentration on water implies that ground water at those depths arenot good for human consumption, therefore it is recommended that where there isregeneration of contaminant, water treatment plant should be applied in groundwater design at shallow aquifers.
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