Modeling and simulation of dissolved lead in groundwater influenced by porosity and seepage velocity in homogeneous formation
modeling and simulation dissolved lead in ground waterAbstract
Modeling and simulation of dissolved lead in groundwater influenced by porosity and seepage velocity in homogenous formation has been developed. Porosity influence were considered in the study area as the major role of lead transport, seepage velocity are through the degree of porosity of the soil, this formation characteristics were thoroughly examined, the variables were applied to formulate a system, this system denoted with mathematical tools that developed a governing equation. These equations were derived and it generated a model to monitor the rate of dissolved lead influenced by porosity and seepage velocity in homogenous formation. The developed model was compared with the experimental values from other locations for validation. The model confirmed the fitness of both parameters, the validation of this model implies that the model should be applied to monitor the dissolved lead in the study location. The figures were found to be increasing gradually and rapidly in several locations, these are based on the influence of porosity and seepage velocity. It is recommended that risk assessment should be thoroughly done to reduce the type of pollution in the study area.
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