Modeling the transport of shigella in silty and fine sand in shallow aquifers in Caostal area of bonny Niger delta; rivers state of Nigeria


  • Solomon Ndubuisi Eluozo Subaka Nigeria Limited Port Harcourt Rivers State of Nigeria


Modeling, Transport, Shigella, Fine sand


Modeling the transport of shigella in silty and fine sand formation in shallow aquifer has been developed, the model were generated to monitor the transport of shigella in coastal area of bonny, as coastal environment  there are lots of  influence in the soil formation, the major variable were considered in the development of the theoretical model, this condition were assessed and were integrated , this variables were  considered and it  develop a system that generated the model equation since the microbes are  found to be in exponential phase ,because of high degree of porosity and permeability of the soil formation, the mathematical equation  were found to  consider  these variables to ensure it predict the rate of deposition of shigella in  silty and fine sand formation, the model developed predict the transport of shigella in the coastal area of bonny, Niger Delta area of Nigeria, the model will be one of the baseline to reduce high rate of shigella  in the study area, the study has also provide a design benchmark for practicing  engineers and scientist to ensure that thorough ground are provide by application of the these design model.


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How to Cite

Ndubuisi Eluozo, S. . (2012). Modeling the transport of shigella in silty and fine sand in shallow aquifers in Caostal area of bonny Niger delta; rivers state of Nigeria. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 1(2), 69-76. Retrieved from



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