Model establishments and calibration of degree of saturation influencing the transport of cryptosporidium parvum in lateratic soil in coastal area of Degema
Model establishment, Degree of saturation, Transport of cryptosporidium parvumAbstract
Calibrating the degree of saturation were to determine the rate at different soil formations, the study were carried out on Lateratic soil, the degree of saturation were found to establish different rate at different formations, fluctuation in some formation of this contributes to slight degradation of saturation in the study location, but were not predominant, as the influence of alluvium deposited also played its roles on the degree of saturation. The study is imperative because the initial concentrations of this type of contaminants are determined on the rate of saturation; through the formation characteristics, these influence the fast migration of the solute. Finally, the activities of man also played a major role because it allowed for regeneration of the contaminant and this cause fast migration of this type of microbes to groundwater aquifers in the study area.
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