Simple test kit for rapid detection of the presence of canine parvovirus antigen from dog’s feces
Hard ticks, Equine, Babesia species, MiyanehAbstract
Canine parvovirus (CPV) is one of the most important viral infection diseases infects all the dogs worldwide. The management and preventive of this disease is such important target. SensPERT® CPV antigens tests are available to detect parvovirus among dogs, and presumptively to predict protective status. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of the test to detect the virus by using fecal samples collected from dogs housed at experimental laboratory animals, with or without gastroenteritis sings from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The dogs were divided into two groups on the basis of age, vaccination and clinical signs using SensPERT test kits. Prevalence to CPV infection in these dogs was significantly higher in hemorrhagic diarrheic dogs less than 3 months (84%; 21 positive of 25) by means of immunochromatography assay, followed by puppies without signs (40%; 4 positive of 10).Nevertheless, there were no infections in adult vaccinated dogs (100%; 15/15). SensPERT One-rapid test kit was demonstrated to be a useful, simple and very quick diagnostic tool for determining CPV status in dogs populations and it will giving a good idea regarding dogs vaccination importance to prevent and protects other animals against infection.
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