Investigate the relationship between intellectual capital and company performance (Dairy Industry of Kermanshah Province)
Intellectual Capital, Company Performance, Dairy Industry of Kermanshah ProvinceAbstract
The purpose of present study was to examine the relationship betweenintellectual capital and company performance in the dairy industry ofKermanshah Province. Therefore, the present study methods, isdescriptive - survey of correlation type and in terms of purpose is appliedresearch. The statistical population is including managers and employees in thedairy industry of Kermanshah Province. That their numbers is about 180, 120people were selected by using Cochran formula. To collect data is used aquestionnaire of 34 questions (Intellectual Capital (15 questions), companyperformance (19 questions)) and Cronbach's alpha showed that reliabilityof the first and second questionnaire were determined respectively 0.83 and0.81. In addition, for the validity has been used opinion of three of theprofessors in this field. Data analysis utilizes SPSS software and wasperformed in two parts of descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation)and the results showed that intellectual capital (human, structural andrelational) and company performance (nonfinancial and market) have ameaningful relationship together. Also, there is no significant relationshipintellectual capital (human, structural and relational) on company performance(financial, product and customer).
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