Expansion of citizenship rights based on religious teachings Jurisprudence and Law


  • Alireza ShekarBeigi Department of Law, Payame Noor University, I.R. of IRAN
  • Peyman Akbari Department of Management, Payame Noor University, I.R. of IRAN
  • Ghodrat Heydari Department of Geography, Payame Noor University, I.R. of IRAN


Citizenship;Enjoining;Forbidding the evil;Excellence of social;Islam


Social life, social relationships between people in society demands that must be surrendered under regularity. However, if there is no discipline in society, coercion and extortion and deception, will govern relations among people, and this fighting and turmoil, to be brought along. Individual citizen, in connection with a government, civil and political rights on the one hand, and on the other hand, the government is responsible for that task. Citizenship, a status is active. Excellent basis for human affairs is considered. Citizen initiatives demand that all people be treated equally, the roots of the social tensions that threaten social order, to dry. The concept of citizenship, establishes a balance between rights and responsibilities. Monitoring and Control (enjoining and forbidding the evil), one of the tasks is inevitable, as a citizen, and plays an important role in human resource development, community plays, and citizens in its decision aids improve, It is essential that the citizens of the community, become more familiar with this monumental task, and continually upstream and child, monitoring and control, and specifying their advantages and disadvantages, in the course of human perfection, and realization of important objectives, such as social justice, the basic steps to take. It is also essential that the citizens of the Muslim community, enjoining and forbidding the evil (monitoring and control), from the perspective of management are favored. In the public administration and enjoining good and forbid the evil, that good citizenship is a definite component of the index, the results will follow, that has been mentioned


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How to Cite

ShekarBeigi, A. ., Akbari, P. ., & Heydari, G. . (2014). Expansion of citizenship rights based on religious teachings Jurisprudence and Law. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(2), 48-53. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/939