Small holding farmers perception on supplementation and feeding sweet potato peels to ruminants in some selected local government areas of Kebbi State, Nigeria


  • Aishatu Aliyu Kwaido Department of Animal Science, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Kebbi State, Nigeria.
  • Shehu Ahmad Maigandi Department of Animal Science, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria.
  • Eneh Chigozie Vitalis Department of Animal Science, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, Kebbi State, Nigeria.


The study was conducted to obtain information on farmers’ perception on the utilization of sweet potato peels for livestock feeding. The data were generated by administering a total of 90 structured questionnaires. Results indicated that all the respondents (100%) were males and use sweet potato peel as supplementary feed for their animals. Furthermore, the majority of the farmers were having between 1-10 number of small ruminants (68.9%) feeding them mostly from their crop residues (73.3%) for fattening purposes (53.3%). All the farmers affirm that the peel is available all year round which is solely used for animal feed and usually costs between 42-52 Nigerian Naira per kg. In conclusion, sweet potato peel is a potential feed ingredient in livestock feeding and the involvement of women in crop/livestock production is still a challenge in sub-Saharan Africa since males are still dominating the industry. Thus, women need to be empowered with all the necessary support in the agricultural sector particularly in the study area where the current work was conducted.


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How to Cite

Kwaido, A. A. ., Maigandi, S. A. ., & Vitalis, E. C. . (2020). Small holding farmers perception on supplementation and feeding sweet potato peels to ruminants in some selected local government areas of Kebbi State, Nigeria. Scientific Journal of Animal Science, 9(11), 684-690. Retrieved from



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