Prospects for indigenous chickens genetic improvement and conservation in Zimbabwe
Indigenous chickens, Genetic improvement, Conservation, ZimbabweAbstract
The multitude functions of indigenous chickens, which include the provision of high quality protein meat and eggs, cash through sales and socio-cultural roles, cannot be underestimated. Indigenous chickens is one of the genetic resources which Zimbabwe has failed to give adequate attention for the betterment of the majority of the rural poor population. Despite the indigenous chickens dual-purpose, selected and raised for meat or egg production, there does remain a considerable and largely unexploited genetic potential for increased production. The review explores the prospects for indigenous chickens genetic improvement and conservation in Zimbabwe. This is on the background that indigenous chicken are a heterogeneous population with no standardized characteristics and performance. This is mainly due to environmental and genetic constraints with bright prospects for genetic manipulation or improvement. Considerable genetic differences exist between local indigenous chickens populations, and production rates of local populations should be evaluated before introducing genetic improvement programs. The reported among population genetic diversity reflect the degree to which populations differ and can assist in improvement and conservation efforts.
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