Comparative Molecular Characterization of three Diplozoon species from Fishes of Kashmir Valley


  • Fayaz Ahmad Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar – 1900 06 India
  • Khalid M. Fazili Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar – 1900 06 India
  • Tanveer A. Sofi Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar – 1900 06 India
  • Ajaz A. Waza Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar – 1900 06 India
  • Rabia Rashid Department of Biotechnology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar – 1900 06 India


Diplozoon; Ribosomal DNA; Schizothorax; Kashmir; Phylogenetic trees


Present study reports the results of molecular analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA of 3 Monogenean species using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), nucleotide sequencing and construction of phylogenetic trees from different fish hosts of Kashmir. The present study shows that the size of the amplified product is 873 bp long for D. kashmirensis; 1120 bp long in Daegyptensis and 687 bp long in D. guptai revealing that there are intraspecific differences in their base pair lengths. Guanine and Cytocine (G+C) content of three Diplozoon species was found nearly constant for three species i.e., 47% (D. kashmirensis); 47% (D. aegyptensis) and 48% (D. guptai), this GC richness contributes to physical attributes of RNA structures, as there is correlation between GC content and optimal growth temperature. An important observation during the present study has been noticed that Schizothorax niger is infected by all the three species of Diplozoidae: D. kashmirensis; D. aegyptensis and D. guptai, but when all six fishes were collected simultaneously, parasitism by all the parasite species was never observed. Phylogenetic trees Maximum Parsimony (MP), Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Neighbor Joining (NJshowed that D. kashmirensis and D. aegyptensis share a common host Carassius carassius and S. niger.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, F. ., M. Fazili, K. ., A. Sofi, T. ., A. Waza, A. ., & Rashid, R. . (2015). Comparative Molecular Characterization of three Diplozoon species from Fishes of Kashmir Valley. Agricultural Advances, 4(7), 65-83. Retrieved from



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