A short personal status


  • Mohammed Suleimani Department of Law, Kermanshah branch Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, IRAN


personal status, personal status in the right place, examples of personal status, history of personal status


The term personal status, a new term, that is, the civil rights and private international law today, is used, and the Jurisprudence texts never before. Personal status, it is the most important part of civil rights but because of civil rights, the personal circumstances of the two parts concrete is divided. Personal, belonging to the human person and the nature of, and not apart from his social position, as well as non-exchange calendar to make money, such as marriage or divorce his Aftershocks etc, as well as part of civil rights, so its history is shared with civil rights history, some experts believe that the personal status, has no clear definition. But lawyers have tried, with some evidences and examples, it should be defined. Definitions are provided, namely that: personal status or, in legal terms, that means the qualities and characteristics, status and personal identity, and the rights and duties of the individual, family and community will be specified in the definition lawyers are accepted in many countries. Examples personal status, the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as other laws, in some agreements between the government and other governments can be traced back.


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How to Cite

Suleimani, M. . (2014). A short personal status. Scientific Journal of Review, 3(8), 801-807. Retrieved from https://sjournals.com/index.php/sjr/article/view/487

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