Mathematical modeling and simulation of Salmonnela transport influenced by porosity and void ratio in soil and water: Eleme Niger delta of Nigeria


  • Solomon Ndubuisi Eluozo Subaka Nigeria Limited Port Harcourt Rivers State of Nigeria, Nigeria


Mathematical modeling, Salmonella transport, Soil, Water, Human life


Salmonella transport in soil and water is a serious microbial containment that is a threat to human life, salmonella containment has been found to survival in several days in soil, if there is no regeneration and that will definitely increase  microbial population, more so, the microbes also increase when there is high degree of substrate utilization. Mathematical model were developed to express the behavior of the microbes and there transport process. This condition were considered as the system that where developed, considering this variables. The model were developed  to monitor the growth rate of the microbes, there rate of concentration at different formation, where found to be  influenced by a lots of factors, but the most depressing  one where the degree of porosity of the soil, this were found to have influence on the fast migration  of the microbes within a short period of time, the conditions where considered and  where integrated in derived  model  the developed model values  compared faviourably well with the experimental values, the model will definitely  monitor  the  transport of salmonella in prelatic aquifers.



How to Cite

Ndubuisi Eluozo, S. . (2012). Mathematical modeling and simulation of Salmonnela transport influenced by porosity and void ratio in soil and water: Eleme Niger delta of Nigeria. Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences, 1(4), 40-50. Retrieved from



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