Predictive model to monitor rate of dissolved chromium in soil and water influenced by permeability and linear velocity in phreatic aquifers


  • Solomon Ndubuisi Eluozo Subaka Nigeria Limited Port Harcourt Rivers State of Nigeria, Nigeria


Predictive model, Chromium, Soil and water


Predictive model to monitor the rate of dissolved chromium influenced by linear velocity and permeability has been developed, the model were developed to monitor the rate of traced metal chromium in phreatic aquifers, dissolved chromium were found to deposit dynamic concentration at different depth and time The influence of the migration are from the stratification of the soil influence by porosity and permeability, the theoretical values were compared with experimental results form other locations; both parameters compared favourably well. Chromium were found to dissolve with respect to change in concentration with time and distance in some locations, while in rapid increase were experienced in the last two locations. This condition implies that dynamic deposition of permeability and linear velocity influence the variation of concentration; those locations were the concentration deposit high concentration can be attributed to high degree of permeability of the formation, the model is imperative because it will monitor the rate of dissolved chromium in phreatic aquifers.


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How to Cite

Ndubuisi Eluozo, S. . (2013). Predictive model to monitor rate of dissolved chromium in soil and water influenced by permeability and linear velocity in phreatic aquifers. Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 1-9. Retrieved from



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