slot gacor 2025 gacor 2025 Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences 2022-12-19T00:00:00+00:00 Executive Managing Editor Open Journal Systems <p>Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences (SJES)is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental science and technology. Scope of the journal includes: environmental quality monitoring, resource management and conservation, waste and waste-water treatment, fate and transport of contaminants, bio-remediation, soil contamination, wetland function and design, waste reduction, recycling and reuse, air, soil and water contaminant, environmental toxicology and epidemiology.</p> The use of Vetiver grass and nails for slope protection against erosion and landslide risks 2022-08-06T15:25:21+01:00 Kempena Adolphe <p>Slope instability occurs practically all time in Brazzaville City, Congo Republic. Extreme precipitation throughout rainy seasons from September to December and from March to May escorted by construction works in dangerous areas are the main origins of slope instabilities. Intact samples of soil were taken since two diverse sites of Brazzaville City for experimental study, using laboratory tests in order to find soils engineering properties. After laboratory tests, the soils were categorised as silty sand (SM) and clayey sand (SC) respectively. Slope Model of Finite Element was created for the slope stability study using Plaxis 2D software. The increment of Vetiver root profundity increased the slope resistance against erosion and landslide a little for sand clay (SC) as a result of the base rupture found profoundly. Audaciously, Vetiver grass is considered further active for silty sand with large increments of slope safety factor. Moreover, nailing alongside with vetiver increment slope resistance against erosion and landslide for silty sand (SM) more than in sand clay (SC) associated to slopes in bare state. Later, the mutual accomplishment of nailing and Vetiver can constitute an active action for preventing erosion and landslide risks.</p> 2022-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Kempena Adolphe