Increasing the yield of rice cultivation by traditional methods in the conditions of Kyzylorda region


  • Aidos Mussabekov South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Nurbakyt Orazaliyev South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Ergaly Zhumanazarov South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Madina Maulenkulova South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.
  • Aida Bekzhankyzy South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent.


Aral Sea region, Rice yield, Cultivation, Assessment, Technologies


One of the most widespread crops in the world is rice culture. Rice is a very valuable crop in almost 110 countries of the world, reaching $ 150 million. ha sown, of which 90% is grown in Asia, 4% - in America, 2% - in Africa, 4% - in other countries. Rice occupies the second place after wheat in terms of sown volumes, and the first in terms of yield. If bran is used for livestock feed, then alcohol, starch are obtained from it and used in perfumery. Straw is used to make high-grade paper, cardboard, thread, bags, caps, mattresses and other household items. In addition, agromelioratype rice is of great importance for improving saline and wetlands and introducing them to agricultural use.


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How to Cite

Mussabekov, A. ., Orazaliyev, N. ., Zhumanazarov, E. ., Maulenkulova, M. ., & Bekzhankyzy, A. . (2022). Increasing the yield of rice cultivation by traditional methods in the conditions of Kyzylorda region. Scientific Journal of Crop Science, 10(6), 497-500. Retrieved from



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