Current status of calf coccidiosis managed under extensive and semi-intensive in Bekoji district, Arsi zone, Ethiopia
Bekoji, Calves, Coccidiosis, Prevalence, Risk factorsAbstract
A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2016 up to April 2017 in Bekoji district to determine the current status of calf coccidiosis. A total of 384 calves with the age of up to one year were subjected to coprological investigation. Based on the coprological investigation the overall prevalence of coccidiosis was 186 (48.4%). Coccidiosis was higher in calves above 6 months of age than calves with age less than 6 months (P<0.05). The present study showed that there was significant difference (P<0.05) in the prevalence of coccidiosis among the husbandry systems of calves with the highest prevalence in semi-intensive system (55.6%). There was also significant variation observed (P<0.05) between local breeds and cross breeds. The highest prevalence of coccidial infection was recorded in calves with poor hygienic condition (53.2%) than in good and medium hygienic status (36.9% and 47.3%) (P<0.05). Likewise, significant variation in prevalence was observed between poor body condition and good body condition calves (P<0.05). However, significant difference in prevalence was not observed between different sex, and PAs. The present study showed that calves coccidiosis was one of the important diseases in the study area. Hence, appropriate disease prevention and control measures and further molecular investigations to determine the circulating Eimeria species should be implanted.
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