Review on the major challenges and difficulties of farm animal cloning
Biotechnology, Cloning, Food safety, Nuclear transfer, Trans generational effectsAbstract
Developments in biotechnology would provide many new opportunities for livestock agriculture, human medicine, and animal conservation. Nuclear cloning involves the production of animals that are genetically identical to the donor cells used in a technique known as nuclear transfer. However, at present it is an inefficient process in farm animal and small number of the embryos transferred to the reproductive tracts of recipient mother result in healthy, long-term surviving clones. Recent cloning research also reveals high failure rates, premature deaths, and dysfunctioning of internal organs. Food products from healthy clones, i.e. meat or milk, did not differ from products from healthy conventionally bred animals. Even though the food products of cloned animals showed no differences with conventional offspring or products, throughout the world, there is significant public opposition to the introduction of meat and milk from cloned animals and their progeny into the food supply. Cloning also threatens the welfare of surrogate mothers, the underlying health of the animals and the next generation, the consequential effect on food safety are critical aspects that require investigation to gain regulatory and consumer acceptance. Data on clones of farmed species for food production other than cattle and pigs have remained limited and do not allow for assessment of food safety or animal health and welfare aspects.
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