Influence of suckling and/or milking method on yield and milk composition in dairy animals
Suckling, Milking, Yield, Composition, DairyAbstract
Achieving the maximum marketable milk yield with a high fat and protein content is desirable to producers to increase farm profitability. The present discussion points to the fact that rearing systems and milking method used affect either milk yield or milk composition during the entire lactation. Increased milk production elicited by suckling is probably due to the additional stimulus of the mammary gland, and is associated with improved mammary development through regulation of secretion of hormone during this period with markedly increase in milk. Dairy farmers can take advantage of suckling stimulus as a management tool combined with stipulated frequency of machine milking to increase milk production. Restricted suckling may increase total milk production without reducing milk available for human consumption or sale. The present discussion explores the consequences of different milking methods and/or suckling in dairy production enterprises for improving yield and milk composition in dairy animals.References
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