Effects of crude ethanolic extract of Terminaliacatappa on the haematology parameters of red Sokoto goat sex perimentally infected with Trypanosomabruceibrucei
Crude ethanolic extract, Terminaliacatappa, Trypanosomabruceibrucei, Red Sokoto goatsAbstract
The in-vivo activity of crude ethanolic extract of Terminaliacatappa stem bark administered orally and intraperitoneally on red Sokoto goats experimentally infected with Trypanosomabruceibrucei was investigated. 15 male goats weighing between 8kg to 10kg were randomly grouped into 5 groups with three goats per group. Goats in all the 5 groups were infected intravenously with T. b. brucei and after demonstration of parasitaemia Groups 1 to 4 were administered crude ethanolic extract of T.catappa as follows: 50mg/kg orally to group 1, 100mg/kg orally to group 2, 50mg/kg intraperitoneally to Group3and 100mg/kg intraperitoneally to group4) while group5 served as untreated control. All treatments were given for 7 days. Result of phytochemical analysis shows alkaloids, saponins, terpenoids and steroid, increase in weight, Packed Cell Volume (PCV) and Red Blood Cells (RBC) indices after treatment in treated groups were also observed. It was concluded that T. catappaethanolic extract given at a dose of 50 to 100mg/kg is effective and safe for the treatment of T. b. brucei infection in goats.
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