Study on bovine hydatidosis and its economic significance at Shashemene municipal abattoir, Southern Ethiopia
Abattoir, Bovine hydatidosis, Economic significance, ShashemeneAbstract
This cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2015 to March 2016 to assess prevalence and associated factors of bovine hydatidosis and also to estimate its financial loss in cattle slaughtered at Shashemene municipal abattoir. Out of 400 examined cattle by meat inspection 199(49.75%) were infected by hydatid cyst in one or more of their visceral organs. The prevalence of hydatidosis in this study was significantly higher (P<0.05) in cattle with age group of more than 10 years (56.8%) and in animals having poor body condition (62.02%). Of the total 199 infected cattle, 109(54.77%) of them had hydatid cysts only in their lung, 42(21.1%) in liver, 5(2.51%) in spleen, 3(1.5%) in heart and 2(1%) in their kidney while the rest 28(18.08%) had multiple organs infection. Of the 721 cyst counted in viscera harboring hydatid cysts, the highest (57.56%) was in lung followed by liver (40.36%), spleen (1.38%), heart (0.41%), and kidney (0.27%). Out of the total 721 cysts collected, 24.18% were fertile, 46% sterile, and 29.82% calcified cysts. From the 175 fertile cysts, 60.57% cysts were found to be with viable protoscolics. Significantly the highest viability rate (P<0.05) was observed in fertile cysts of lung origin, 62.2% followed by 57.8% cysts of livers. Based on this study, the estimated annual financial loss due to direct and indirect effects of hydatidosis was 4, 158, 559.03ET=202, 955.54USD per annum based on the local market price in the study period. Hydatidosis was highly prevalent and economically important parasitic disease of cattle in the study area. The high percentage of viable cyst in this result indicates that the risk of its transmission with implication of public health importance. Public health measures such as control of stray dogs and strengthening of meat inspection services at abattoirs should be practiced.
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