Risk practices and awareness of leptospirosis in an abattoir in northwestern Nigeria
Leptospirosis, Abattoir workers, Awareness, Risk practices, Infection, Zoonosis, NigeriaAbstract
The study was designed to assess the presence of risk practices and level of awareness of leptospirosis among abattoir workers. The study was conducted in an abattoir located in Northwestern Nigeria. Pretested questionnaires were administered via interview to 73 of the abattoir workers willing to participate in the study. There was there was a low level (5.48%) of awareness of leptospirosis among the abattoir workers. Also risk practices for infection by Leptospira were present among the abattoir workers. This study has shown that the abattoir workers are at risk of infection by Leptospira in the course of their work due to the low level of awareness of the disease, the presence of risk practices and inadequate use of protective clothing.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Emmanuel Ochefije Ngbede, Mashood Abiola Raji, Clara N Kwanashie, Emmanuel Chukuwdi Okolocha, Asabe Halimat Momoh, Enechojo Bernadetta Adole, Alexander Osaretin Giegbefumwen, Bobwealth Omontese, Lucius Kelechi Okoro, Moses Ehwe

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