Occurrence of reproductive disorders in post parturient cows with special emphasis on vaginal culture in some selected upazilas of Bangladesh
Reproductive disorders, Post parturient cows, Vaginal swab samples, Microbiological investigationAbstract
The present investigation was undertaken to determine the clinical trends of reproductive diseases and disorders of cows at three upazilas in the Mymensingh district with particular emphasis on vaginal culture during the period from April 2011 to March 2012. Records of reproductive cases were collected from official stock book from veterinary hospitals of 3 upazilas namely Fulbaria, Mymensingh sadar and Fulpur of Bangladesh. Microbiological investigation of vaginal swab samples (n = 20) collected from the selective cows which were suffering from various reproductive disorders were also performed. A total of 7679 clinical cases were collected and among them 68 reproductive disorders in post parturient cows were identified. The overall occurrence of reproductive disorders in post parturient cows was 0.87%. The occurrence of reproductive disorders was higher in crossbred cows (1.27%) than that of indigenous cows (0.69%). The proportion of individual reproductive disorders in post parturient cows recorded were retained placenta (44.1%), pyometra (16.8%), endometritis (11.8%), metritis (10.3%), uterine prolapse (8.9%), vaginal prolapse (5.9%) and vaginitis (2.9%). A total of 20 vaginal swab samples were also collected from the selective cows which were suffering from various reproductive disorders for microbiological investigations. In microbiological investigations, various microorganisms were identified from vaginal culture such as Escherichia coli, Streptococcus spp, Bacillus spp and Staphylococcus spp. Among various bacterial agents Escherichia coli was higher (100%) and Staphylococcus spp was lower (10%). However, the frequency percentages of Streptococcus spp and Bacillus spp were 60% and 30% respectively. It was concluded that presence of microorganisms in uterine cavity may cause massive reproductive losses in the farming system in Bangladesh.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Sajib Kumar Debnath, Chinmoy Mattra, S. M. Lutful Kabir, Jalal Uddin Ahmed

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