Morphological studies of the stomach of falcon


  • M. M. Abumandour Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria University, Edfina, Behera, Egypt


Falcon, Proventriculus, Gizzard, Histology


A morphological study of the stomach of the falcon was carried out, grossly and under light microscopy. Anatomically, the stomach of the falcon is constituted by two externally distinguishable chambers: a cranial chamber, the proventriculus (pars glandularis), which is cranially connected to the esophagus and caudally, to the gizzard (ventriculus or pars muscularis). There is no papilla on the gastric epithelium surface of the proventricular. Both, the mucous tunic of the proventriculus and of the gizzard present folds lined by simple columnar epithelium. The tunica mucosa of the proventriculus is extensively folded due to the presence of well-developed longitudinal muscle bundles. There is no intermediate zone (isthmus) between the proventriculus and the gizzard. The luminal surface of the ventriculus have cuticle, which is sloughed and shed small fine area (around the pyloric opening) and very thin membrane and highly closely adherent to the lining surface of gizzard.


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How to Cite

M. Abumandour, M. (2013). Morphological studies of the stomach of falcon. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances, 2(3), 30-40. Retrieved from



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