Growth performance and linear body measurements of Washera, Farta and their crossbreed sheep under farmers management system in Western Highland of Amhara Region
Washera;Farta;Growth performance;Regression equation ;CrossbredsAbstract
The study was conducted in Farta and Lay Gaint districts ofthe Amhara Region. Data collected from 2007 to 2010 was used to evaluate growthperformance and to characterize phenotypically using linear body measurementsof Washera, Farta and their crossbred sheep. The fixed effects considered inthis study were breed, district, lamb sex, parity of the dam, birth or lambingseason and year, birth type and management system. Performance data wereanalyzed using general linear model procedure of Statistical Analysis Systemwhile the correlation and regression of linear body measurements on body weightand participatory rural appraisal were analysed using Statistical Package forSocial Science. The least squares mean and standard errors of yearling weightfor Washera, Farta and their crossbred sheep were 23.70±1.13kg, 20.08±0.73kgand 21.35±1.56kg, respectively; Whereas the averages daily gain from birth to30 days for these sheep breeds were 84.79±4.65gm, 64.53±9.75gm and82.21±5.61gm, respectively. Washera sheep breed has higher value for body weight;wither at height and pelvic width than Farta and crossbred sheep. Washera sheepwas much better in growth performance and in linear body measurements followedby crossbred sheep.
How to Cite
Mekuriaw, S. ., Mekuriaw, Z. ., Taye, M. ., Mekuriaw, G. ., Amane, A. ., Bimrew, T. ., & Haile, A. . (2013). Growth performance and linear body measurements of Washera, Farta and their crossbreed sheep under farmers management system in Western Highland of Amhara Region. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances, 2(9), 132-143. Retrieved from
Original Article
Copyright (c) 2013 S. Mekuriaw, Z. Mekuriaw, M. Taye, G. Mekuriaw, A. Amane, T. Bimrew, A. Haile

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