Comparative effect of selenium source on the performance, meat quality and meat oxidative stability of broiler chickens
Selenium;Broiler chicken;Broiler performance;Meat quality;TBA valuesAbstract
The present investigation was carried out to study the comparative effect of selenium source on the performance, meat quality and meat oxidative stability of broiler chickens for a period of 6 weeks. The total 375 day old straight run broiler chicks were procured and divided into five different dietary treatments viz. A, B, C, D and E, respectively, with three replicates in each treatment. Treatment group A was control (without selenium), B fed with organic selenium @ 0.3ppm , C fed with inorganic selenium @ 0.3ppm , group D fed with organic selenium @ 0.6ppm and group E fed with inorganic selenium @ 0.6ppm through feed. The sources of organic and inorganic selenium were selenomethionine and sodium selenite, respectively. The growth performances (body weight, feed consumption, FCR, mortality) were recorded on weekly basis. The carcass traits (edible carcass yield, thigh yield, drum stick, giblet, breast yield, abdominal fat, neck yield, wing yield) were measured after slaughtering the bird on 42nd day.
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