A puppy with toxocara canis in pets shop from Saudi Arabia
Toxocara canis;Dogs;Pets;Saudi Arabia;ToxocariasisAbstract
Toxocara canis (T.canis) is the commonroundworm of dogs with particular concern in the human population. It isinhabit fundamentally the small intestine of their mammalian definitive hosts,and causes variable clinic pictures from asymptomatic to have typical digestiveclinical symptoms. We present a case of helminthic zoonotic agents in a puppyfrom Saudi Arabia. This puppy had been healthy with no significant precedingsymptoms or past medical history, a round body with spiky cranial and caudalparts, covered by yellow cuticula was seen passed in the vomition. Whoever,stool test revealed this parasite as Toxocara canis. Routine treatmentof mebendazole® and ivermectin® to limit the spread of this resilient group ofparasites was recommended. This case underlines that Toxocara canis shouldalso be considered in pet’s shops as a possible source of human infectionparticularly for pet ownerships and/or public in Saudi Arabia.References
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