Comparative prediction analysis of body weight from biometric traits in F1 New Zealand white purebred and its California cross bred rabbits
Biometric traits;Regression;Correlation;Body weight;New ZealandAbstract
One hundred and fortyfour (144) F1 New Zealand White purebred and New Zealand White x Californiacrossbred rabbits at eight weeks old were used to estimate bodyweight from bodymeasurements using regression analyses. Ten biometric measurements were made oneach individual animal. New Zealand White x California crossbred were superior(P<0.05) to the New Zealand White purebred for bodyweight but biometricmeasurements were not statistically significant (P>0.05) between the twobreed types. Phenotypic correlations were found to be positive and significance(P<0.01) for both genotypes. The regression analysis was more sensitive inNew Zealand White x California crossbred (R2=0.85-0.91) compared to New ZealandWhite purebred (R2=0.84-0.89). In conclusion, body weight could be predicted frombiometric measurements for both genotypes accurately using tape measures.References
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Copyright (c) 2014 O. M. Akinsola, B. I. Nwagu, M. Orunmuyi, G.T. Iyeghe-Erakpotobor, O.T. F. Abanikannda, E. D. Eze, O. Onaadepo, E. U. Okuda, U. Louis

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