Detection of rabies antigens in the brain tissues of jackals and mongooses and its implications on public health and conservation goals in bauchi state, Nigeria
Game reserves, Jackals, Mongooses, Nigeria, Rabies antigens, WildlifeAbstract
One year survey of rabies was carried out among wildlife in villages surrounding yankari and Lame-bura game reserves in Bauchi State, Nigeria. Brain samples from 76 Jackals and 18 mongooses were collected from markets, road killed, homestead and farm lands killed. A total prevalence of 9.6% was observed in which rabies antigens were detected in 7 (9.2%) jackals and 2 (11.1%) mongooses using Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT). Wildlife could feature significantly in the epidemiology of rabies in the study area and the wide practice of wildlife meat consumption known as ‘bush meat’ have prompted farmers and poachers to rampant attacks on wildlife species to meet the market demand for the bush meat thereby increasing the potentials of rabies spread in the area. This is of immense public health concern and a challenge to conservation goals.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Yakubu Joel Atuman, Dan A Yarkasuwa Adawa, Philip A Okewole, David Shamaki, Solomon Wuyah Audu, Philip Paul Mshelbwala, Albert Bankole Ogunkoya

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