Canine hepatozoonosis in a 4 month old intact male german shepherd dog in Ibadan, South West Nigeria: A case report


  • J. O. Adejinmi Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan
  • O. O. Falohun Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan
  • E. T. Onyiche Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan
  • J. O. Awoyomi Department of Veterinary Public Health and Reproduction, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
  • I. L. Usende Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Ibadan
  • S. T. Ogundare Sahel Veterinary Services, Abuja
  • O. O. Obebe Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan
  • O. B. Akinlabi Department of Veterinary physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology


Hepatozoon canis; Rhipicephalus sanguineus; Hematology; Serum Biochemistry; Dog; Nigeria


Hepatozoonosis is caused by an apicomplexan haemoparasites of the genus Hepatozoon, which are closely related to Plasmodium spp. and piroplasms. A four month old intact male German shepherd dog was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Ibadan, South west Nigeria with history of anorexia for a week and lethargy. All the necessary deworming and vaccination were up to date. Blood sample was collected for haematology and serum biochemistry as well as ticks from the body for identification. Hepatozoon canis gamonts were detected in peripheral blood smears of the dog stained with Giemsa.  The tick was identified as   Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Hematology revealed moderate anaemia, leucocytosis characterized by moderate neutrophilia without left shift and a moderate lymphocytosis. Serum biochemistry showed hypoalbuminaemia, hyperglobulinaemia and mild hyponatremia. The dog was successfully managed and recovery was completed by 4th week post treatment. The client was educated on the prevention of tick borne infections by periodic fumigation of the environment as well as regular acaricide tick bath and grooming of dog.


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How to Cite

O. Adejinmi, J., O. Falohun, O., T. Onyiche, E., O. Awoyomi, J., L. Usende, I., T. Ogundare, S., O. Obebe, O., & B. Akinlabi, O. (2014). Canine hepatozoonosis in a 4 month old intact male german shepherd dog in Ibadan, South West Nigeria: A case report. Scientific Journal of Veterinary Advances, 3(9), 96-100. Retrieved from



Case Report

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