Analysis of Iranian construction sector occupational accidents (2007-2011)
Occupational accidents, risk, ConstructionAbstract
The purpose of present study is to investigate the characteristic factors responsible for occupational accident occurrence in construction sector. The current study analyzes 4074 construction occupational accidents recorded by the Ministry of labour and social affair offices in Iran, from the years 2007-2011. First using descriptive statistics methods, we obtained general understanding of accidents. Afterwards, utilizing the Chi-square test we analyzed the association between factors influencing accidents. The most victims were less than 35 years old (64.4%), with elementary and secondary education level (64.58%), and married (68.31%). Additionally most accidents occurred on summer (29.16%), during 8-12 hours of day (46.1%) and among less than 1 year experience workers (35.74%). Marital status and time of day were not significantly related to accident occurrence. However, season which accidents occurred, victim’s education, age of victim and victim’s experience was significantly related to accident occurrence. The accident control programs, especially related accidents, identifying groups at risk and factors' affecting the accidents is very important. Using further studies, improving safety culture, training, and encourage workers to participate in safety programs and the use of personal protective equipment we can reduce accidents.
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