Explicit difference method for solving the two-dimensional two-sided fractional diffusion equation in the shifted grunwald estimate form


  • N.M. T. Luma Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn Al-Haitham Baghdad University, Iraq
  • I. G. Iman Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Science / Ibn Al-Haitham Baghdad University, Iraq


Fractional derivative,Explicit euler method,Fractional diffusion equation,Stability,Convergence


In this paper, weintroduce and discuss an algorithm for the numerical solution oftwo-dimensional two-sided fractional diffusion equation. The algorithm for thenumerical solution of this equation is based on explicit finite difference approximation.Consistency, conditional stability, and convergence of the fractional ordernumerical method are described. Finally, numerical example is provided to showthat the numerical method for solving  this equation   is an effectivesolution method.


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How to Cite

T. Luma, N., & G. Iman, I. (2013). Explicit difference method for solving the two-dimensional two-sided fractional diffusion equation in the shifted grunwald estimate form. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 2(9), 314-322. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/965


