Rural tourism, appropriate, sustainable development, based on strategic models of SWOT (case study: rural of shian castle in Islamabadgharb district)
rural tourism, sustainable, development model, SWOT, ShianCastle (Rural) Islamabadgharb (district)Abstract
Rural tourism is one of the relatively new field in rural sustainable development, which could bring new opportunities and possibilities, especially for rural employment and income, to provide an effective role in the restoration, and modernization in rural areas, to play. Islamabadgharb district, despite capability, and enormous tourism potential remains unfamiliar tourists, attractions Therefore, the sample rurals of the district, and plans tailored to specific geographical conditions, it seems to be necessary. The study ahead, try it, while explaining the principles and concepts of rural tourism, and its close connection with the issue of sustainable development in rural areas, with emphasis on library research, conceptual analysis and strategic model, SWOT, to introduce tourism attractions and potentials, in the rural castle of Shian, has been paid. Based on these results, despite the mild weather, hospitality and openness of the people of the rural, Shian Dam, the Temple of Shian, located near Karbala way, the strengths and capabilities of Rural Tourism in Shian Castle is.
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