Drivers of the choice of biomass energy by households in Togo
Energy for cooking, multinomial logit model, household, TogoAbstract
In Togo, consumption and demandfor wood energy (firewood and charcoal) increases exponentially while its available potential decreases drastically. Theaim of this work is to contribute tothe econometric analysis of wood energyin households in Togofor the sustainable management of forest resources. Specifically, itis to analyze the determinants of thechoice of charcoal as the mainsource of energy for cookingin households. The multinomial logit model is used to analyzethese determinants. At the end of the study, it appears that the firewood is consumedmainly in rural areas and charcoal and LPG are consumed in urban areas.Income of the household head, age, education, householdsize, mode of supply of firewood(or charcoal) andplace of residence are factors that significantly influence the choice of charcoal comparedto firewood or LPG as the main source ofenergy for cooking in households.References
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