Effectiveness of Implementing Philosophy for Children Program on Students’ Creativity
philosophy, kids, creativity, effectivenessAbstract
The present research has done to evaluate “the effectiveness of applying philosophic period for kids on the creativity of second grade secondary school, school boys”. After performing Raven IQ test and determination of equality of average intelligence in both pilot model classes, students with low creativity in by performing the first form of the Torrance Test of visual creativity were signified and randomly were chosen as experimental and control groups. By performing philosophic period for kids for experimental group, the second form of visual creativity, the Torrance Test of Creativity by each group were examined and results are got analyzed. The results of crediting the effectiveness of applying philosophic period for kids is divided into three component, Initiative, it was expansion and the fluid of the four components of creative thinking but in flexibility component there was no palpable observation difference between experimental groups. The result which is gained by this research in comparison with research history which is predictor of the effectiveness of philosophy for kids plan is on creativity that is coordinated and the results of other similar researches also confirm the gained result by this research.
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