Analysis of the spatial-local distribution of the sport complexes using GIS system


  • Naeim Amiri Teacher of payam noor university and existence guard area of kerman, Iran
  • Nasim Amiri student of MSc in urban planning , kerman science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, kerman , Iran
  • Mojtaba Movahedi student of MSc in urban planning , kerman science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, kerman , Iran
  • Afsoon Mahdavi Associate professor, Tehran science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Geographical information system (GIS), Kerman city, Spatial distribution, Positioning, Sport complexes


This article studies theexiting status of the sport spaces of Kerman city using geographicalinformation system (GIS). After studying the exiting status of the sportspaces, it was found that the exiting distribution of sport spaces in the urbanhierarchical level is not appropriate. In carrying out this research, first thefield survey was performed using GPS, and then the resulted data were insertedin GIS software. After that, by applying the descriptive-analytical methodusing the resulted information, and also by applying the library method, thespatial- local distribution of the sport complexes of Kerman city was studied.The findings resulted indicate that distribution of the sport complexes centersof Kerman city, in contrast with other urban facilities, show lower abeyancefrom the urban categorical rules (urban zones, regions, areas andneighborhoods). In some regions, even sever shortage of sport complexes wasobserved. This article tries to provide some strategies for development ofsport complexes towards meeting the citizens' needs.


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How to Cite

Amiri, N. ., Amiri, N. ., Movahedi, M. ., & Mahdavi, A. . (2014). Analysis of the spatial-local distribution of the sport complexes using GIS system. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 636-644. Retrieved from




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