Criteria for locating health care activities and its evaluation: Case study: Shohada-ye Khalij-e Fars hospital


  • Nazanin Nasrollahi Head Of Architecture Department Assistant Professor Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • Elham Mankhian Master of Architecture Student of Ilam University Iran, Islamic Republic of


Health care land use, Hospital, Matrix, Location


Defining precise principles for locating health care activities is very important because these services are to save peoples life. Goal of the process of location in urban land use planning is to present desirable health care services with regard to the standards and hospital locating regulations to avoid deprivation in this sector in different parts of the city. In this research criteria for locating and placing hospitals are presented and health care activities are evaluated in quality from this point of view. Therefore status quo of case study is evaluated by comparing it with four matrixes: compatibility matrix, desirability matrix, capacity matrix and dependency matrix. In this research Shohada-ye Khalij-e Fars hospital as case study is studied by this method. And the results show us that to improve the situation regarding to the neighboring activities we can use some solutions.


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How to Cite

Nasrollahi, N. ., & Mankhian, E. . (2014). Criteria for locating health care activities and its evaluation: Case study: Shohada-ye Khalij-e Fars hospital. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 629-635. Retrieved from


