The label switching problem in mixture models


  • Ali Etemad Department of Mathematics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
  • Gholamhossein Gholami Department of Statistics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
  • Hamideh Rasi Department of Mathematics, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


Mixture Models, Label Switching, Identi


Mixture models are fascinating objects in that, while based on elementary distributions, they of-fer a much wider range of modeling possibilities than their components. They also need both highlycomplex computational challenges and delicate inferential derivations . In Bayesian framework thiskind of models do not admit an analytical solution and one should content him/her self by an ap-proximative solution.In this work, we introduce denition of identiability in statistical model. We focus on denition ofidentiability of mixtures of models from Bayesian point of view. This issue is called label-switchingproblem in Bayesian literatures. We will study a method to identify the mixtures parameter by usingMCMC output.


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How to Cite

Etemad, A. ., Gholami, G. ., & Rasi, H. . (2020). The label switching problem in mixture models. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 3(7), 617-621. Retrieved from


