The Study of Correlation between Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
organizational commitment, job satisfaction, nurseAbstract
Introduction and Aim: Nowadays, organizations need capable and committed employees in order to promote their performance, productivity and effectiveness. Individual, occupational, organizational and meta-organizational factors influence the organizational commitment. This research aims to study the relation between organizational commitment and job satisfaction of nurses.
Methodology: This research is a descriptive-correlation study in which almost 260 nurses of teaching hospitals of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences are investigated through the method of accidental classification. For gathering the data, the questionnaires of “Meyer and Allen’s organizational commitment” and “Herzberg’s job satisfaction” are used. The analysis of data is done by using descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson and Spearman’s correlation coefficient and Regression Test) and SPSS software (19th version).
Findings: The rate of organizational commitment and job satisfaction of participants is at the middle level. Also the results of this study show that there is a positive and significant relationship between age, level of education, the record of clinical work and organizational commitment whereas there is not such a relationship between marital status and organizational commitment as well as between age, marital status, level of education, the record of clinical work and job satisfaction. However, the analysis of data shows that there is a mutual and positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Conclusion: Regarding the importance of organizational commitment in promoting the quality of nursing services and increasing the consent of patients, the nurses can feel more committed if they have more job satisfaction.
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