The effect of pre-emergence Herbicide (Dual gold) and hand weeding frequencies on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) growth, yield and yield components in Bale Highlands, Southeastern Ethiopia
Faba bean, Dual gold, Days after emergency, Hand weedingAbstract
Since weed is the major production constraints for faba bean production in Bale Highlands, Its management is quite important to increase the production and productivity. Due to such gaps, the experiment was conducted on research field of Sinana Agricultural research center and Agarfa sub-site in the Highlands of Bale, South-eastern Ethiopia under rainfed conditions during the main cropping season of 2015 and 2016 to evaluate the effect of pre-emergence herbicide (Dual gold 960 EC) in combination with hand weeding frequencies on yield and yield components of faba bean. The treatments consisted of five weed management options: (1) Weedy check, (2) Two times hand weeding at 25-30 and 40-45 days after emergence (DAE), (3) Sole dual gold, (4) Dual gold + once hand weeding at 25-30 DAE, and (5) Dual gold + two times hand weeding at 25-30 and 40-45 DAE. The trial was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The results indicated that a number of pods plant-1, total biomass and seed yield kg ha-1 and 1000 seeds weight were significantly influenced by different weed management options. The result showed that more than 38%, 27%, and 33% yield advantages were obtained when dual gold application in combination with one and two times hand weeding and only two times hand weeding was respectively used. Moreover, more than 7% yield advantage was obtained when dual gold plus two times hand weeding were practiced as compared to only two times hand weeding. The highest net return was also obtained from dual gold application at the rate of 1.5 Lha-1 plus two times hand weeding. Therefore, application of dual gold as a supplemental pre-emergence herbicide in combination with 1-2 times hand weeding could give economically optimum benefit and hence recommended for the end users. Alternatively, application of dual gold plus one time hand weeding at the later stage could also be used as an alternative weed management in areas where weed pressure is low and/or labor competition is very high during the critical period. However, it was needed to find out another pre or post-emergency herbicide which control weeds without supplement of hand weeding.
How to Cite
Diriba, K. W. ., & Gudeta, R. D. . (2017). The effect of pre-emergence Herbicide (Dual gold) and hand weeding frequencies on faba bean (Vicia faba L.) growth, yield and yield components in Bale Highlands, Southeastern Ethiopia. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 6(7). Retrieved from
Copyright (c) 2020 Kissi Wakweya Diriba, Reta Dargie Gudeta

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