Logistic regression on consumption of rice (case study of Offa local government Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria)


  • Abdulkabir Muritala Postgraduate student, university of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • S. Tunde Raji Mathematics and statistics department, Fedral Polytechnic, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria


Logistic regression, Imported and locally produced rice, Backward elimination method


This research work is on logistic regression on consumption of locally and imported rice using Offa local government, Kwara state as case study, it aimed to establish a model that can use to predict Age, Income, Expenditure and frequency of locally and imported produced rice and determine the best model among the variables of the outcome. The statistical tools that were used for the analysis of the data is logistic regression, backward elimination method were also employ to check the best model. The variable with the lowest difference among the non significant variable (i.e. change in -2LL) shows the model that are significant, at the end of the analysis it can be concluded that the best model is the one with age since it is not dropped from the model.


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How to Cite

Muritala, A. ., & S. Tunde Raji. (2015). Logistic regression on consumption of rice (case study of Offa local government Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria). Pure and Applied Science Advances, 4(9), 166-173. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/293



Social Sciences