Analysing the disability- sexuality controversy
Disability, Sexuality, Conceive, ImplementationAbstract
Sexuality is one of the many phenomena which are least openly discussed particularly in the African culture. Sexuality is conceived variously in different cultures and disability is seen as a threat to sexuality in many of the cultures. Meanwhile, sexuality is regarded as a central theme in the development of self-esteem and self-identity since it has been conceived within the bodily perfection and bodily beauty complexes. Thus, the way sexuality is conceived for people with disabilities forms the central thrust of this paper. Views about the sexuality of people with disabilities have manifested in the construction of what we term the disability- sexuality controversy. The paper examines this controversy and explores ways of resolving it in the context of educational programming. The paper concludes that the disability- sexuality controversy is more of a social than a biological construct. This conclusion is premised on the hypothetical view that both disability and sexuality are intimately tied to the concept of self in which case sexuality is constructed within the social realm of the bodily beauty complexes. The way forward is a multi- sectorial approach towards the eradication of disability stereotypes. In addition, the paper recommends active parental involvement in the programming and implementation of sexuality education for their children with disabilities.
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