Mr Effects of S-metolachlor Pre-emergence Herbicides for Broad and Grass Weeds Management in Chickpea (CicerarietinumL.) in South Eastern part of Oromia
Chickpea, Pre-emergence Herbicide, Weed ManagementAbstract
Weed is the most important constraint of chickpea production in the studied area. The lowest competitive ability of chickpea provides severe yield loss caused by weeds. The experiment was done to assess and register(S-metolachlor) pre-emergence herbicides on grass and broad leaved weed control in chickpea. The experiment included 4 treatments (DualGold1.5L/ha, T-razor 4Lt/ha, weed free and weedy check plots) arranged in simple plot design. The result of analysis showed that the grain yield of weed free plot was higher than T-razor and Dual gold. However, under large production scale use of hand weeding is laborious. Therefore, T-razor is the best option herbicide for controlling grass and broad leaved weeds in chickpea as the grain yield of dual gold obtained was less than T-razor.
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