A synopsis of individualisation of teaching and learning in inclusive settings


  • Patrick Sibanda Senior Lecture in the Department of Disability Studies and Inclusive Education; Zimbabwe Open University.


Individualisation, Inclusive education, Adaptation, Modification, Differentiation, Individualised education plan, Universal design


Successful inclusive education is premised on the realization that learners have different abilities, potentialities, interests, aspirations, needs and experiences. It acknowledges and responds to the diversity that characterise learners. At the core of these realization is that in inclusive classrooms, learners are not taught as a group but as individuals. Individualisation of instruction can be achieved through adaptations/ modifications, differentiation, and individualised education programmes (IEPs). This synopsis concludes that there could be no inclusive education to talk about without individualisation of instruction. The author therefore recommends rigorous training in various strategies for individualisation of instruction among both trainee and practicing teachers if the implementation of inclusive education is to be effective.


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How to Cite

Sibanda, P. . (2022). A synopsis of individualisation of teaching and learning in inclusive settings. Pure and Applied Science Advances, 10(1), 984-989. Retrieved from http://sjournals.com/index.php/sjpas/article/view/1738




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