MyVista digital platform as an Information and Computer Technology (ICT) tool for student support at Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU)
Information and communication, Technologies (ICTs), Open and Distance Learning (ODL), MyVista, Digital platform, Student supportAbstract
The study explored the accessibility, usability and sustainability of MyVista digital platform as an ICT tool for supporting the teaching and learning of students at Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU). A plethora of literature points to a positive correlation between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and open and distance learning (ODL) resulting in active, self-directed and constructive learning. Since the trajectory of using ICT as a tool for student support is a relatively new phenomenon in ODL, it is bound to be characterized by opportunities and challenges of which this study envisaged to uncover. The study is informed by the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as well as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and is grounded in pragmatism. A mixed methods sequential explanatory design was adopted to collect and analyse data. Predominantly, questionnaires, face-to-face interviews and focus group interviews (FGIs) were used to collect data which were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and thematic analysis. Results indicated that, while the usage of MyVista digital platform at ZOU had increased learner support initiatives, there were challenges of access, power and negative attitude in its utilization. For staff, technical challenges were experienced. These challenges were however out-weighed by the opportunities which hitherto had not been fully realised. Recommendations on training and capacity building for students and staff, improved interface and monitoring, policy support and further research were proffered as strategies for mitigating the challenges and intensifying opportunities.
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