A study of the effect of electronic banking on the melli banks’ liquidity management
Automatic teller machines (atm), Points of sale (pos), Internet bank, PhoneAbstract
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of electronic banking on theliquidity management of melli banks in Kermanshah.In this research we survey the effects ofelectronic banking tools included automatic taller machines (atm),point of sale (pos).internetbanking, phone bank, mobile bank and pinpad as independent variable in liquiditymanagement. In this research descriptive method is used and is correlation kind . Thepopulation consists of melli bank branches in Kermanshah. The tool for collecting data isresearcher - made questionnaire and samples includes 120 persons of employees of mellibank in Kermanshah through which sampling considered non - probability and selectiveand was done during 92 - 93 . To examine hypotheses regression and correlation andpearson correlation coefficients and spss software are used . Results show that all thevariables in liquidity management are effective and recommendation provided bymanagers and relationship experts should show the advantages of electronic banking toolsto people and customers through media and by effective advertisements in order todecrease using of cash in transactions and society can benefit from its positive effects.
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