Predictive Approach on Evaluation of Settlement Parameters on Clayey Soils in Parts of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
oedometer, deformation, compression modulus, volume compressibility, modelsAbstract
Predictive modelling of settlement parameters in clayey soils has been carried out in selected areas in Port Harcourt city, Nigeria. Laboratory results of 50 oedometer tests on soil samples within six study areas were analysed for void ratios, e, coefficient of volume compressibility, mv, and compression modulus, Ec, for varying pressures. Results of e, and mv generally showed a decreasing trend with increase in pressure, while Ec increased with pressure. Predictive models relating void ratio and pressure, coefficient of volume compressibility and pressure, and that of compression modulus and pressure were subsequently generated. The models can be used for quick determination of settlement input parameters needed in deformation analysis of foundation placed on clayey soils.
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