Antibiotic resistance of isolates of Escherichia coli from chicken in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria
Escherichia coli, Disc diffusion test, Resistance, SensitivityAbstract
A total of 200 faecal samples were collected from the cloaca of chicken (layers) from four different poultry farms within Sokoto metropolis. In this study, 91 lactose fermenters isolates from Mac Conkey agar (presumed to be E. coli) were isolated out of which 38 isolates were confirmed as E. coli based on their biochemical characteristics. The isolates were then examined for resistance and sensitivity to different antimicrobials of veterinary and human significance. Antibiotic activities against the isolates were determined by Disc Diffusion test (Kirby and Bauer, 1996). Various antibiotic resistances were observed in all the isolates. There were maximum resistance to Amoxycilline and Cotrimoxazole (100%), followed by Augmentin (90%), Tetracycline (80%) and Nalidixic acid (70%). High sensitivity to Ofloxacin (95%), Gentamicin (90%) and Nitrofurantoin were noticed. Therefore, based on the findings of this research, it is advised that antibiotics with high sensitivity against the isolates of E. coli from this study (Ofloxacin, Gentamicin and Nitrofurantoin, respectively) should be used in the treatment of infections caused by E. coli and also at an appropriate dosage.
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