Editorial Team

Name: Moslim Mohsin Khalaf

Educational Qualification: PhD in Microbiology and Immunology at University of Bagdad, 2019. MSc. in Microbiology at Thi-Qar University, College of Science, 2015. Thi-Qar University, College of Science. BSc in Biology, 2012.

Designation: Academic Researcher Department: Thi-Qar Education Directorate
University: Ministry of Education, Iraq

Email: moslim.mohsin1990@gmail.com

Research Interests: Medical Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, Parasitology

Biography: Professional Experience: First at Al-Khawther Pathological Analysis
laboratory (December 31, 2012-October 12, 2013). Second Corporation Iraqi Biotechnology Co. Ltd. (January 1, 2014 – July 25, 2015). Lastly, Beirut Specialized Laboratory (June 5, 2018-Present). Academic employment: Researcher on cancer cell lines at the Iraqi Center for Cancer and Genetic Research (ICCMGR) (28/9/2013-5/6/2014). Lecturer in Immunology, Hematology and pathological analysis at  the pathological analysis department /college of science/ Thi-Qar university since 2/10/2014 - 10/7/2019. Lecturer in Medical Biology, Microbiology and oral histology at national university of science and technology (1/10/2018- present). Academic Achievements / Publications: Published article in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Anticancer effects of cimetidine.; Vol 2(4): pp397-403, 2014. Published article in International Journal of PharmTech Research, Anticancer effect of sodium valpoate. Vol.7, No.2, pp 291-297, 2014-2015. Published article in Thi-Qar university journal for agricultural research, Isolation and identifications of pathogenic bacteria isolated from patients with diabetic foot ulcer in nasseriya province.Vol.7 No. 1, 2018.


  • Dr. Glen Stephen Patten, CSIRO Animal Food and Health Sciences Kintore Avenue PO Box 10041 Adelaide BC 5000 Australia, Australia


  • Alicia Cámara, Instituto de Virología- Facultad de Ciencias Médicas- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina